Take me back to my ol' 8-bit Nintendo days! If you're solidly in your 30s, then you probably fondly remember playing
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! for hours, slowly learning the vulnerabilities of each opponent until — finally — you faced King Hippo! This villainous character obviously caught the attention of
Shez, as his most recent custom is a 4-inch tall Mini Bub rendition of "King Hippo" himself. There's a lot of deceptively simple linework and color blocks, which all play into the classic look of the game, but there are touches to make it pop, like that shadowing in the sculpted boxing gloves. And I do love that Shez made the removable crown for the King! This piece has already sold in
his web shop, but Shez is usually open to commissions so you should
contact him if you want something along these lines.

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