If you're a
Star Wars fan then you're probably familiar with the phrase "Han shot first", referring to series creator
George Lucas's controversial decision to alter the scene in which
Han Solo is confronted by the bounty hunter
Greedo in the
Mos Eisley Cantina. Expressing how "Han was the only one who shot", regarding how the altered 1997 Special Edition re-release had Greedo shoot a moment prior to Han, this argument becomes moot when Han Solo and Greedo become the same character! Enter David "
HealeyMade" Healey, who created a perfect mash-up of the classic
Kenner action figures to create "No. 5 (SOLO)". More than a simple head from one, body from the other rendition, this seamlessly intergrates elements of the two together, the adjusted boots being particularly beautiful. A perfect resin creation, these cleanly cast works are roughly 3¾-inches tall and are created in mixed color parts, emphasizing their mixed up nature. Available now in
HealeyMade's online shop, we suspect these gorgeous $66 apiece works will disappear quite quickly.

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