Celebrating their amazing 12th Anniversary, the ever-impressive
Super7 continues their annual tradition of the Lucky Bag. Each guaranteed to contain 9 figures total, these "Lucky Bags contain toys which have never been available before and are not made available afterwards!" What kind of toys, you ask? We're promised an array of brand-new sculpts, never-before-seen characters, unexpected test-shots, one-of-a-kind hand-painted customs, and potentially even more astounding content! Pictured below are two teasers they've issued for this year's Lucky Bags, clearly depicting a toe-tagged corpse in a morgue and a microscope… which is giving me a strangely CSI type vibe. Hmm… The Super7 Lucky Bags will be $300 apiece and available Saturday, May 25th, 2013 at 7
PM Pacific time in-person only (at 1427 Haight St., San Francisco, CA 94117) with any remaining copies made available online on Sunday, May 26th, 2013 at 11
AM Pacific time in the
Super7 online store.

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