Daniël Thomassen of
Unga Toys, based out of the Netherlands has sent over an awesome looking custom that he recently completed for Kidrobot's MunnyMunth celebration and contest. He took it upon himself to not only customize a 4" Munny, but to also incorporate a 4" Raffy into the mix with his "
Dwarf Raider"... and hot damn does it look good! "
From the snowy mountains comes the young dwarf prince, riding on his trusted war ram. Ambitiously leading the way to adventures, riches and fame." Utilizing his obviously apparent sculpting skills, he completely transformed these once blank vinyl figures into a fantastic sculptural piece. I really dig his style, and love the finished look and feel of this custom... really stellar work! This is a 1-off piece for the competition, but Daniel mentions that in the near future, he will be making resin casts of the ram with unique riders... so cool! If you dig what you see, you can go vote for it
HERE now, and you can also follow the progress of this talented artists via his Instagram feed
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