In honor of the officially unofficial Star Wars Day,
Coagula Curatorial host their own "May The 4th Be With You" event in the form of a full day of family friendly activities! Set against a backdrop of a solo works by folk woodcut artist
Sean Starwars (examples pictured herein), Coagula Curatorial will also have Star Wars themed games, live screen printing, a puppet show by Adam Shenkman (creator of
The Breakfast Show), and balloon characters by John Buckner. Throughout the day, costumes will be strongly encouraged, as prizes for the best costumes will be awarded at 6
PM Pacific time; categories for the contest will be Mini-Stormtrooper (child), Biggest Nerd (adult), and Knight/Padawan (parent / child). After which time, the event will be transformed into a mature audiences only comedy club, emceed by Tony Bartolone, to begin at 9

"May The 4th Be With You" will be a one-day event on May 4th, 2013 from 12 Noon to 6
PM Pacific time for all ages and from 9
PM onward for adults only at
Coagula Curatorial, 977 Chung King Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
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