We here at SpankyStokes love
Alex Pardee, not only for his art, but because he's a jolly good fellow... and most of you who frequent this site know Alex for his designer toys that have been produced over the years, like his 3" Dunny from Series 3 (spotted to the left), the classic "Bunnywith" character. Well, this Bunnywith has been seen in many iterations since then... in fact last year at SDCC, Bunnywith mad his appearance as a mini-figure line from DKE Toys.

Well, Alex decided to run with this and
Gallery 1988:East is stoked to be hosting his signature character, Bunnywith. Opening on Saturday, October 19th from 7pm-10pm, join Alex as he has created over 100 prints of Bunnywith... and in true Pardee fashion, prepare to laugh, chuckle, get grossed out, scratch your head, raise your brow, shake your head, and lol as each and every piece will evoked one or all of the befor mentioned emotions! Oh... and there will also be a costume contest, so come dressed like a bunny and be eligible for prizes! This is gonna be one to remember as Alex transforms the space into a little Bunnywith heaven.
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