Vast ye land-lovers! A plunderer, hornswaggler, swindler, and scallywag you would be hard-pressed to find any redeemable qualities for Pirate Bunny... and the folks over at Mintyfresh have this up for grabs
HERE right now! The Pirate Bunny is designed by Joe Ledbetter and stands 10" tall and is packaged in a collector's blister pack and will run you $140 as a pre-order basis. This is the 7th release of Mr bunny of Joe Ledbetters newly sculpted Chaos Bunnies series with classic Joe Ledbetter signature stylings!

But that's not all... Mintyfresh has a
MAJOR SURPRISE for all Joe Ledbetter fans that missed out on their exclusive Mr Bunny, as they actually have 1 leftover "Spaced-out Mr Bunny"... and everybody that places an order until June 10th
with any Joe Ledbetter product from their webshop will be automatically entered in the competition. The winner will get an email and the opportunity to buy the last Spaced-Out Bunny for the original selling price... RAD!!!
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