Watch as villagers flee before The Troll's massive manhood! More exciting than watching two epileptics have sex while enduring seizures, this 10-inch tall work-in-progress prototype is the newest creation from the mind of
Mutant Vinyl Hardcore's Rich Montanari. Inspired by B
EMON's "Kōgai Kaiju" and NagNagNag's "Boryoku Genjin," this piece will be kept to having a "super simple humanoid body" with "no hair or fur texture," letting Montanari really "go crazy with paint and not get hung up on what goes where." Aside from his anatomically correct 'third leg' element, you'll note little details like the sixth toe on each foot — which are but the first elements to be defined as Montanari teases out a couple of "secrets" in his refinement of the sculpt.

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