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SPANKYSTOKES x MAD Giveaway Contest **UPDATE** and the winners are...

First off I want to say thank you to everyone who played!!! This was an awesome contest, and you all made it worth while, also none of this would have been possible without MAD pitching in some awesome prizes, thanks man!

So here is the list of people that gave the correct answers:
BenCanes, Swin, ColeArthur, AchmadSirman, FiFizzle, EwangDesign, TweaksTheLimbs, Psyphris, Rsin, JimboJones, TrebleKicker, Rontek3000, Smashthew, AlHooter, BakerTheZombie, TheBlot
So that makes 16 in total, talk about good chances to win something awesome!!! Great job guys, now I am going to enter all you names in a random number generator, the first 5 it picks...you win the prize! Drumroll please.............

1. The winner of the set of Phase 3 MAD*l's signed is "TheBlot"
2. The winner of the signed MAD APE Headphonie is "AlHooter"
3. The winner of the signed Modern Hero Headphonie is "Psyphris"
4. The winner of the signed Red Ninja Headphonie is "Smashthew"
5. The winner of the signed GID Maddness Dolbee is "Rsin"

Thank you all again for playing, and keep checking back often for more contests like this one! Also if you are curious, this is the list that MAD provided me, also it was posted on the KR boards!

Test Shot (SDCC Clear)
Phase:1 (Red Flame, Billymon, DJ)
Forbidden Planet Exclusive Grey Flame
Phase:2 (Cry On, El Lucha, and Domimon)
Artist Series 2K5 (MAD, Sket, Mimic, Kozik, Chris Lee, Tado GID)
Save Huck
MPH Exclusive Twilight & Wedding
ToyQube Exclusive Tado (White)
5" Blank (not available to public, until recently)
ATP Exclusive Trippy
MPH Exclusive Black Guard
Phase:3 (Slam, Aidamon, Armybot)
10" Blank DIY
10" Blank DIY (GID blue)
ToyQube Exclusive Ninja
Fresh Manila Exclusive Flip Flag
Lift Detroit Exclusive Tristan Eaton
Frozen Empire Exclusive Andrew Bell
Mechanized Records Exclusive Skin Deep

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